The best universities of Hong Kong SAR

Hong Kong SAR is home to a variety of universities and colleges, both public and private. The university list includes the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the City University of Hong Kong, which are all ranked in the top 15 universities in Asia. The colleges list includes the Hong Kong Institute of Education, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Open University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Baptist University.

Ranking of universities of Hong Kong SAR

Here is a list of colleges and universities of Hong Kong SAR , providing students with the opportunity to pursue a range of educational goals. From small liberal arts colleges to large public universities, there is something for everyone.

Hong Kong SAR

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Hong Kong SAR

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong Kong SAR

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The University of Hong Kong is the oldest and most prestigious university in the city, and it is also the highest ranked university in Hong Kong SAR. It is a public research university with a strong emphasis on liberal arts and sciences. The Chinese University of Hong Kong is a public research university that is well known for its research in business, economics, and finance. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is a public research university that focuses on science and technology. The City University of Hong Kong is a public research university that specializes in engineering, business, and social sciences.

The list of suggestions of Hong Kong SAR

Education of Hong Kong SAR

The colleges list includes the Hong Kong Institute of Education, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Open University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Baptist University. The Hong Kong Institute of Education is a private university that specializes in teacher education. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is a public university that is known for its research in engineering and technology. The Open University of Hong Kong is a distance learning university that offers


  1. Bachelors (174 / 3)
  2. MBA (10 / 2)
  3. Masters (273 / 3)
  4. PHD (73 / 3)

Study mode

  1. Blended (8 / 1)
  2. On Campus (518 / 3)
  3. Online (4 / 2)

Course intensity

  1. Full Time (492 / 3)
  2. Part Time (38 / 3)


  1. Accounting and Finance (7 / 2)
  2. Anatomy and Physiology (1 / 1)
  3. Anthropology (9 / 1)
  4. Architecture and Built Environment (3 / 1)
  5. Area Studies (2 / 1)
  6. Art and Design (7 / 2)
  7. Biological Sciences (23 / 2)
  8. Built Environment (1 / 1)
  9. Business Analytics (6 / 2)
  10. Business and Management Studies (21 / 2)
  11. Chemistry (7 / 3)
  12. Communication and Media Studies (9 / 3)
  13. Computer Science and Information Systems (34 / 3)
  14. Data Science (11 / 3)
  15. Earth and Marine Sciences (6 / 2)
  16. Economics and Econometrics (10 / 2)
  17. Education and Training (29 / 1)
  18. Engineering - Aeronautical (4 / 2)
  19. Engineering - Chemical (2 / 1)
  20. Engineering - Civil and Structural (6 / 2)
  21. Engineering - Electrical and Electronic (14 / 3)
  22. Engineering - General (37 / 3)
  23. Engineering - Manufacturing and Production (1 / 1)
  24. Engineering - Mechanical (8 / 3)
  25. Engineering - Product Design (1 / 1)
  26. Engineering Management (14 / 3)
  27. English Language and Literature (9 / 2)
  28. Environmental Sciences (6 / 2)
  29. Ethnicity, Gender and Diversity (3 / 1)
  30. Finance (16 / 2)
  31. Food Science (3 / 2)
  32. Geography (3 / 1)
  33. Health/Healthcare (22 / 2)
  34. History (5 / 1)
  35. Hospitality and Leisure Management (2 / 1)
  36. International Relations/Studies/Affairs (2 / 1)
  37. Journalism (2 / 1)
  38. Law and Legal Studies (7 )
  39. Linguistics (14 / 2)
  40. Marketing (5 / 2)
  41. Materials Sciences (2 / 2)
  42. Mathematics (12 / 3)
  43. Medicine (5 / 1)
  44. Medicine Related Studies (26 / 1)
  45. Modern Languages (17 / 3)
  46. Nursing (7 / 2)
  47. Performing Arts (6 / 1)
  48. Pharmacy and Pharmacology (4 / 1)
  49. Philosophy (5 / 2)
  50. Physics and Astronomy (7 / 3)
  51. Politics (3 / 1)
  52. Psychology (5 / 1)
  53. Public Health (4 / 2)
  54. Public Policy (8 / 2)
  55. Real Estate (1 / 1)
  56. Social Work (5 / 2)
  57. Sociology (15 / 2)
  58. Statistics and Operational Research (2 / 2)
  59. Sustainable Development (1 / 1)
  60. Theology, Divinity and Religious Studies (7 / 1)
  61. Urban Planning (2 / 1)