Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
Programs 0
Departments 0
Campuses 2

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS) is a world-renowned school for culinary education. Located in Lucerne, Switzerland, the school offers various programs from certificate to diploma and bachelor's degrees in culinary arts. It is ranked among the top culinary schools in the world and boasts an impressive acceptance rate.

CAAS has a variety of scholarships available to both domestic and international students, including merit-based, need-based, and other forms of financial aid. Students can also apply for special grants and loans.

Admission requirements for CAAS include a high school diploma or equivalent, a valid passport, and a minimum GPA of 2.0. The school also requires applicants to submit a completed application form, transcripts, and a personal statement.

The cost of attending CAAS varies depending on the program and the type of accommodation chosen. The school offers a variety of accommodation options, ranging from student dorms to off-campus apartments.

CAAS has six departments: Culinary Arts, Pastry Arts, Hospitality Management, Tourism & Events Management, Food & Beverage Management, and Nutrition & Dietetics. The school also offers additional programs such as culinary internships and apprenticeships.

CAAS welcomes international students from all over the world. The school offers a variety of services to help international students adjust to the Swiss culture and lifestyle. These include language classes, cultural activities, and career counseling.

The school has five faculties and over 30 experienced chefs and instructors. Fees for attending CAAS vary depending on the program and accommodation chosen.

Overall, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland is an excellent choice for those looking for an international culinary education. With its top-notch programs, experienced faculty, and variety of services, CAAS is the perfect place for aspiring chefs.


Info Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland