Moscow State Academy of Choreography (The Bolshoi Ballet Academy)

Moscow State Academy of Choreography (The Bolshoi Ballet Academy)
Programs 0
Departments 0
Campuses 1

The Moscow State Academy of Choreography (The Bolshoi Ballet Academy) is one of the most prestigious and renowned institutions of classical ballet in the world. The Academy offers an extensive range of programs, from full-time courses to summer schools, and is renowned for its high-ranking faculty and acceptance rate.

The Academy offers a variety of scholarships and bursaries for international students, as well as accommodation facilities for those who wish to study at the Academy. The requirements for acceptance are highly competitive, and applicants must demonstrate a high level of skill and dedication to the art of ballet.

The Academy is divided into several departments, including ballet, choreography, music, and theater. Each department has a number of faculties, including teachers, dancers, and choreographers. The fees for these programs vary depending on the program and the duration of the course.

The Academy also offers a range of international student programs, which include summer schools and exchange programs. These programs allow students to experience the world of ballet in different countries and cultures.

The cost of studying at the Academy is considered to be quite high, but the quality of the education and the opportunities available to students make it well worth it. In addition, the Academy offers a number of scholarships and bursaries to help offset the cost of tuition.

The application process for admission to the Academy is quite complex, with a number of requirements that must be met. Students must submit a portfolio of their artistic work and provide proof of their English language proficiency.

The Moscow State Academy of Choreography (The Bolshoi Ballet Academy) is an excellent choice for those looking to pursue a career in ballet or choreography. With its high-ranking faculty and acceptance rate, the Academy is an ideal choice for those looking for a quality education in the performing arts.


Info Moscow State Academy of Choreography (The Bolshoi Ballet Academy)