Ecole de Commerce International (ESGCI)

Ecole de Commerce International (ESGCI)
Programs 0
Departments 0
Campuses 1

Ecole de Commerce International (ESGCI) is a private business school located in Paris, France. It is accredited by the French Ministry of Education and is part of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles. ESGCI offers a range of programs for students from all over the world. It is ranked among the top business schools in Europe and has an acceptance rate of approximately 70%.

ESGCI offers several scholarships for international students, including the ESGCI Excellence Scholarship and the ESGCI Merit Scholarship. The requirements for these scholarships vary, and applicants must meet certain criteria such as academic excellence and financial need.

The school offers a variety of programs, including Bachelor's, Masters, and Doctoral degrees in Business, Management, and International Relations. The school also offers MBA programs in Entrepreneurship, Finance, and International Business.

The cost of attending ESGCI varies depending on the program and the student's country of origin. The tuition fees for international students range from €9,000 to €14,000 per year.

The school has several departments, including Accounting, Economics, Finance, Human Resources, International Business, and Marketing. It also has several faculties, including the Faculty of Business, the Faculty of International Relations, and the Faculty of Economics.

ESGCI offers a range of services for international students, including accommodation, application assistance, and visa support. The school also offers a range of student activities, such as clubs and societies.

Overall, ESGCI is an excellent option for international students looking for a high-quality business education in Paris. It offers a range of programs, scholarships, and services, and its tuition fees are competitive.


Info Ecole de Commerce International (ESGCI)