Universidad El Bosque

Universidad El Bosque
Total students 12 702
Total faculty staff 842
Programs 0
Departments 0
Campuses 1

Universidad El Bosque is a private university located in Bogota, Colombia. Founded in 1993, the university is dedicated to providing quality education to its students and has become one of the most prestigious universities in the country. The university offers a variety of programs and courses, ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate, and has a strong focus on research and innovation.

The university has a strong international presence, with students coming from all over the world to study at El Bosque. The university has been ranked among the top universities in Colombia, and is well-known for its high acceptance rate and competitive scholarships.

When it comes to requirements for admission, El Bosque is quite competitive. Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent, and meet certain academic requirements. International students may also need to provide proof of English proficiency.

The cost of attending El Bosque is quite reasonable, and the university offers a variety of financial aid options, including scholarships and grants. Additionally, the university offers a variety of student accommodation options, including on-campus and off-campus housing.

The university consists of 10 departments, covering a range of disciplines, including business, engineering, law, and medicine. Each department has a number of faculties, as well as a range of research centers. The university also offers a range of student activities, such as clubs and societies.

The university also has a number of services specifically designed for international students. These include assistance


Info Universidad El Bosque